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health & literacy.

Mental Health Awareness Month: What is Mental Health Literacy?

Mental health is an integral part of our overall well-being, and just like physical health, it requires attention and care. Mental Illness Awareness Month, observed in May, aims to increase public understanding of mental health issues and promote awareness, acceptance, and support for those affected. A key aspect of achieving this is through mental health literacy, which plays a vital role in fostering a compassionate and informed society. In this blog post, we will explore what mental health literacy entails and why it is crucial in today’s world.

Understanding Mental Health Literacy:
Mental health literacy refers to the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary to promote mental health and prevent, recognize, and respond effectively to mental health challenges. It involves being able to access and comprehend mental health information, recognize signs and symptoms of mental illness, and know where to seek help and support. Mental health literacy also includes reducing stigma and discrimination associated with mental health conditions and promoting a supportive environment for individuals facing mental health issues.

Components of Mental Health Literacy:

Recognition of Mental Health Issues: Mental health literacy begins with the ability to identify signs and symptoms of mental health problems, both in ourselves and others. This includes understanding the difference between normal fluctuations in mood and behaviors and more severe mental health disorders.

Knowledge about Mental Health Disorders: It is important to have accurate information about various mental health conditions, their causes, risk factors, and available treatment options. Learning about common disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and others helps dispel misconceptions and reduces stigma.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being: Mental health literacy also involves understanding the factors that contribute to good mental health. This includes knowledge about stress management techniques, self-care practices, healthy coping mechanisms, and the importance of social support systems.

Awareness of Available Resources: Being mentally health literate means knowing where to seek help and support when needed. This includes understanding the role of mental health professionals, knowing about helplines, support groups, and community resources that can provide assistance.

Importance of Mental Health Literacy:

Early Intervention: Mental health literacy enables early recognition and intervention, which can significantly improve outcomes for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Early identification leads to timely access to appropriate support and treatment, reducing the risk of worsening conditions and improving overall well-being.

Reducing Stigma: Stigma and discrimination are significant barriers that prevent many individuals from seeking help and support. By promoting mental health literacy, we can challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, fostering a more accepting and inclusive society.

Empowering Individuals: When people are equipped with knowledge about mental health, they can make informed decisions about their own well-being and support others more effectively. Mental health literacy empowers individuals to advocate for their needs, access appropriate care, and engage in meaningful conversations about mental health.

Building Supportive Communities: Mental health literacy is the foundation of creating compassionate communities that prioritize mental well-being. When society as a whole is educated about mental health, it fosters an environment where individuals feel safe to share their struggles and seek help without fear of judgment.

Mental health literacy is an essential component of promoting mental well-being and supporting those affected by mental health challenges. By increasing our understanding of mental health issues, recognizing the signs of mental illness, and reducing stigma, we can create a society that is better equipped to address the needs of individuals experiencing mental health problems. As we observe Mental Illness Awareness Month, let us commit to promoting mental health literacy and working towards a world where everyone can thrive mentally and emotionally.

World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day is observed annually on May 17th to raise awareness about hypertension, a common condition that affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. In Nigeria, it’s estimated that over 30% of the population has hypertension, making it a significant public health concern.

The good news is that hypertension is preventable and manageable with healthy lifestyle habits and proper medical care. Regular blood pressure monitoring is crucial for early detection and control of hypertension. Here are some tips to prevent and manage hypertension:

Measure your blood pressure regularly: It’s important to know your blood pressure numbers and monitor them regularly, especially if you have a family history of hypertension or other risk factors. You can measure your blood pressure at home with a validated, automated blood pressure monitor or at your healthcare provider’s office.

Adopt healthy lifestyle habits: Eating a healthy diet that is low in salt, saturated fats, and added sugars can help lower your blood pressure. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are also important for preventing and managing hypertension.

Seek medical care if necessary: If your blood pressure numbers are consistently high, or if you have other risk factors for hypertension, it’s important to seek medical care. Your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or a combination of both to help manage your blood pressure.

This World Hypertension Day, let’s raise awareness about hypertension and take action to prevent and manage this condition. By measuring our blood pressure regularly, adopting healthy habits, and seeking medical care when necessary, we can reduce our risk of hypertension-related complications and improve our health.

Remember, “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer.” Let’s prioritize our health and take control of our destiny today.

Importance of Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is a crucial aspect of personal hygiene that involves washing hands regularly to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Maintaining proper hand hygiene is not only important for personal health and hygiene but also for the health of those around us, especially in settings such as hospitals, schools, and other public places. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of hand hygiene and provide some tips on how to maintain proper hand hygiene.

Why is Hand Hygiene Important?

Hand hygiene is important for several reasons, including:

Preventing the Spread of Germs: Germs are everywhere, and they can easily be transferred from one surface to another, and from person to person. By washing our hands regularly, we can remove germs from our hands and prevent their spread.

Reducing the Risk of Infections: Proper hand hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of infections, including respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, and skin infections.

Protecting the Health of Those Around Us: When we practice proper hand hygiene, we not only protect ourselves from germs and infections but also those around us, especially vulnerable individuals like young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.

Tips for Maintaining Proper Hand Hygiene

To maintain proper hand hygiene, it is essential to follow some simple tips, including:

Wash Your Hands Frequently: You should wash your hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom, before and after eating, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, and after touching public surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, and handrails.

Use Soap and Water: When washing your hands, use soap and water and rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to lather all parts of your hands, including your fingers, nails, and wrists.

Use Hand Sanitizer: If you do not have access to soap and water, you can use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Apply a sufficient amount of hand sanitizer to your hands and rub them together until they are dry.

Avoid Touching Your Face: Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose, and eyes, as this can transfer germs from your hands to your face.

Practice Respiratory Etiquette: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of the tissue immediately after use.

Maintaining proper hand hygiene is crucial for personal health and hygiene and for the health of those around us. By following simple tips like washing your hands frequently, using soap and water or hand sanitizer, avoiding touching your face, and practicing respiratory etiquette, you can significantly reduce the spread of germs and infections. Remember, proper hand hygiene is not only important during pandemics, but it should be a part of our daily routine to prevent the spread of germs and infections all year round.

Let’s talk about Haemophilia

Haemophilia is a rare disorder that makes it difficult for the body to stop bleeding. It is caused by a lack of certain proteins that help the blood to clot. This condition is usually inherited, meaning it is passed down from parents to their children. While it affects mostly males, females can also be carriers of the gene.

Symptoms of haemophilia can vary, and they can range from mild to severe. People with haemophilia may experience bleeding after an injury, or they may have bleeding that happens without any reason. In more severe cases, bleeding can happen inside the body and cause pain, swelling, and limited movement.

There is no cure for haemophilia, but it can be managed with proper treatment. Treatment involves replacing the missing clotting proteins, which can be done with injections or infusions. People with haemophilia also need to take steps to prevent bleeding episodes, such as avoiding activities that could cause injury and using soft-bristled toothbrushes. With proper care, people with haemophilia can live full and active lives.

Cervical Cancer Prevention

Cervical cancer is one of the few cancers that’s nearly preventable. The fee of death from this ailment has dropped by greater than half in the past few decades. 

You can do a lot to help forestall Cervical Cancer.There is no guaranteed way to forestall cervical cancer. However, with the aid of getting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, if possible, and undergoing regular testing, a person can significantly limit their risk. Using barrier methods of protection for the duration of sexual activity, keeping off smoking, and making sure dietary adjustments may additionally also be beneficial..Although it is now not always feasible to prevent cervical cancer, notes that getting ordinary exams and receiving the HPV vaccine are the most important steps an individual can take to avoid this disorder from developing

Testing can enable docs to identify precancerous changes and provide early treatment. The vaccine helps stop infection with HPV, which is a virus that can lead to cervical cancer.
People aged 25 – 65 years with a cervix have to request an HPV check from a medical doctor every 5 years or a Pap test every 3 years. 
There are many hospitals in Nigeria where one can do a Pap Test which is highly advisable 
Click on the link here for the hospital closer to your location

Brain Tumour

Brain Tumour could be a cancerous or none cancerous growth of abnormal cells in the brain

Many different types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can begin in your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer can begin in other parts of your body and spread to your brain as secondary (metastatic) brain tumors.

The signs and symptoms of a brain tumor vary greatly and depend on the brain tumor’s size, location and rate of growth.
General signs and symptoms caused by brain tumors may include:

1. New onset or change in pattern of headaches

2. Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe

3. Unexplained nausea or vomiting

4. Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision

5. Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg

6. Difficulty with balance

7. Speech difficulties

8. Difficulty making decisions

9. Inability to follow simple commands

9. Personality or behavior changes

10. Seizures, especially in someone who doesn’t have a history of seizures

Primary brain tumors originate in the brain itself or in tissues close to it, such as in the brain-covering membranes

Primary brain tumors begin when normal cells develop changes (mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do. The mutations tell the cells to grow and divide rapidly and to continue living when healthy cells would die. The result is a mass of abnormal cells, which forms a tumor.

Secondary (metastatic) brain tumors are tumors that result from cancer that starts elsewhere in your body and then spreads (metastasizes) to your brain.
Secondary brain tumors most often occur in people who have a history of cancer. Rarely, a metastatic brain tumor may be the first sign of cancer that began elsewhere in your body.
In adults, secondary brain tumors are far more common than are primary brain tumors.
Any cancer can spread to the brain, but common types include:

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

Kidney cancer

Lung cancer


Diagnosis of a brain tumor begins with a physical exam and a look at your medical history.
The physical exam includes a very detailed neurological examination. Your doctor will conduct a test to see if your cranial nerves are intact. These are the nerves that originate in your brain.

The treatment of a brain tumor depends on:

the type of tumor

the size of the tumor

the location of the tumor

your general health

The most common treatment for malignant brain tumors is surgery. The goal is to remove as much of the cancer as possible without causing damage to the healthy parts of the brain.
While the location of some tumors allows for safe removal, other tumors may be located in an area that limits how much of the tumor can be removed. Even partial removal of brain cancer can be beneficial.

Book Reviews With Oumissa #15: Me Before You – Jojo Moyes

Me Before You has always been one of my top romance books (even though I’m not a fan of romantic novels)

The story of Louisa Clark and Will Traynor is beautiful but yet devastating and heartbreaking
The book showed love and its beautiful nature and also the reality of life

It also handled the challenges of being quadriplegic and the quality of one’s life which challenges the reader to think beyond what they know

Quadriplegia, which some people refer to as tetraplegia, is paralysis that results in the loss of movement and sensation in all four limbs. It can also affect the internal organs in the trunk

Damage to the brain or spinal cord can cause quadriplegia.

The spinal cord is a long, tube-like structure. It consists of bundles of nerve fibers that relay signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
The bones of the spine, the vertebrae protect the spinal cord from physical injury. However, a blow or a fall can break or dislocate a vertebra, damaging a segment of the spinal cord.

Will was quadriplegic and couldn’t imagine living his whole like in a wheelchair compared to how his life was before his accident

As much as Lou tried and loved him, it wasn’t enough

I love how the book had a deeper meaning than the usual romance books, it shows the length one can go to make someone they love happy even though it means sacrificing theirs

Happy Teachers Day 2021

You open the doors of wonder to lands and near and far. You inspire ideas local and global. You instilled life values and skills and prepared me for challenges. You gave me what I need to seek further knowledge on my own.

I remember the conversations, the times you cared about my well-being, doing your best to protect me. To every teacher who goes over and beyond for their students, you leave indelible memories. To all teachers who show up in spite of war, pandemics and barriers, I hope that your contributions are appreciated more. In every space, I find teachers ready to propel me towards greatness, pushing through as I rise above difficulties and helping me pass this on to others.

To the teachers of my best subject. It was fun applying mathematical concepts to real life. All of the quizzes and intercollegiate competitions were among the best experiences of my life. You helped me be the best and I still find your foundation a solid place to stand on today.

I drink a glass of water and hear my physics teachers talking about refraction. I see flowers and am taken back to those afternoons learning pollination and the Venus flytrap image in Modern Biology. I see my kitchen as a big chemistry laboratory and marvel at all of the reactions going on at the same time in the universe.

I still remember Mrs Obe reciting these lines in poetry class: He that is down needs fear no fall•He that is low no pride•He that is humble ever shall, have God to be his guide. || I am content with what I have•Little be it or much•And Lord contentment shall I crave• Because thou savest such” (John Bunyan). All of my English teachers built me to be the IELTS coach I am today.

Thank you to my Islamic Religious Studies teacher for telling us the story of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, meaning of Surahs which I still remember today, story of the Prophets and the Caliphs.

I learnt about Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Salawa Abeni, Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from my music teachers. Learnt how to make recipes, soap, household cleaning products, embroidery and fashion design from my home economics teachers.

Budgeting, market forces , law of diminishing returns etc were beautiful concepts to absorb thanks to my economics teachers. My geography teacher gave me National Geographic issues to read and we will spend break time talking all about them. He could go and on about climate, forests, oceans, rocks, anthropology. It is no wonder it became one of my favourite.

Quiz and debate teachers taught me how to handle competition and imbibe the spirit of sportsmanship. PE teachers brought the history of the Olympics alive and made me understand the intricacies of football as a sport.

To all who taught me the Quran, supported me in reciting, memorizing, learning Arabic , helped me understand my faith and serve humanity. To my aunts and uncles for teaching me to love reading, for giving me an upper hand in the science and arts, helping me ace school assignments and believing I could conquer the world.

To my father for teaching me about faith, politics, finance, the corporate world, how official things worked, strategy, overcoming challenges, philanthropy, leadership, service, integrity, agriculture, cars, security, focus and discipline.

Most of all, my dear mother, who set me on the path to being a multilingual by teaching me French as my third language, for the nights spent by the lantern teaching me how to put àmí ohùn as I was having challenges in Yoruba class. For making sure I aced English and Literature with ease. For exemplifying kindness, faith, dignity, hardwork, diligence, self-confidence, beauty and being an exceptionally amazing woman. For teaching me psychology, early child development and all of the wealth of knowledge possible for any human to pour into another.

Thank you all very much.

COVID 19 Info Basket- Articles #24

Global agreement to make COVID-19 antigen tests available for all

Nigeria: Lagos Cancels Independence Day Parade Over Covid-19


CBN moves to forestall food shortages amid COVID-19   


Covid-19 deaths pass 1,000 in Birmingham hospitals       


Covid-19 in Scotland: Sharp spike in infections among teenagers


Game on: How COVID-19 became the perfect match for gamers


Melbourne lifts curfew after nearly two months of lockdown as coronavirus cases fall


Cases of Covid-19 on Tui cruise ship appear to be ‘false positives’


Global partnership to make available 120 million affordable, quality COVID-19 rapid tests for low- and middle-income countries            


The coronavirus has killed at least 1 million people worldwide


As Covid-19 Closes Schools, the World’s Children Go to Work

Concerns mount as Iran gripped by third major COVID-19 wave


Advocacy group warns that 500,000 sharks may need to die for a COVID-19 vaccine


Pasta, Wine and Inflatable Pools: How Amazon Conquered Italy in the Pandemic

The pandemic is plunging millions back into extreme poverty


Covid-19: Quarter of UK under stricter rules, and students stuck in halls


World in disarray: Angry exchanges at top UN meeting on COVID-19


The little talked about side-effects of COVID-19 


COVID in Scotland: 172 test positive in Glasgow University outbreak


More restrictions expected in Europe as coronavirus spreads rapidly and rattles markets


UN chief appeals for global solidarity at General Assembly, warns COVID is ‘dress rehearsal’ for challenges ahead


Why India’s COVID problem could be bigger than we think           


World Health Organization announces distribution plan for COVID-19 vaccine


Weekly Review: COVID-19 patients discharged last week lowest in three months


Israel to Enter Lockdown Again as Second Coronavirus Wave Hits


Inside Twitter’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis


Trapped by Pandemic, Ships’ Crews Fight Exhaustion and Despair

It Will Take More Than a Vaccine to Beat COVID-19


Coronavirus lockdowns around the world: Which countries are in lockdown? USA, Australia


Coronavirus: India overtakes Brazil in COVID-19 cases


US Open players pulled from tournament after contact with COVID-positive player


Coronavirus: Russian vaccine shows signs of immune response


COVID-19: FG reviews nationwide curfew to 12am – 4am

Nigeria: Lagos state to open schools despite health concerns


French tennis player says the COVID-19 restrictions at the U.S. Open are ‘abominable’ and players have been treated like ‘prisoners or criminals’


Global: Amnesty analysis reveals over 7,000 health workers have died from COVID-19

Global: Amnesty analysis reveals over 7,000 health workers have died from COVID-19

Source: Robert Pattinson Has COVID-19, Halting The Batman Production


‘Coronavirus a blessing’: Pandemic boom in Nigeria’s ‘Kannywood’


COVID 19 Info Basket- Articles #23

COVID: Venezuela seeks testers for Russian vaccine      


Three World Cup speed skating events in Canada cancelled because of COVID-19


EU offers €400 million to WHO-led Covid-19 vaccine initiative


Former Indian president Pranab Mukherjee dies at 84


Lagos health commissioner tests positive to COVID-19


Lagos Health Commissioner, Abayomi, Recovers from COVID-19

Lagos Health Commissioner, Abayomi, Recovers From COVID-19

Germany coronavirus: Anger after attempt to storm parliament


India sets world record of highest single-day spike of Covid-19 cases


New Zealand’s Largest City Exits Lockdown After Bringing Mystery COVID-19 Surge Under Control


U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 6 Million

Paire tests positive for COVID-19 before U.S. Open – report


Tertiary institutions in Lagos to reopen Sept 14, primary and secondary schools to reopen Sept 21

UN concern over ‘widespread’ COVID-19 transmission in Syria


How does the COVID recession compare?


India’s COVID-19 Outbreak Is Now the World’s Fastest-Growing

France COVID-19: Paris compulsory face-mask rule comes into force


India’s students concerned over entrance exams amid COVID-19


Carnival and coronavouchers: Brazil’s economic struggles             


Thousands of South Korean doctors strike amid COVID-19 resurgence


Record infections, few deaths: How Qatar has tackled COVID-19


Gaza in lockdown after first COVID-19 community transmission


Covid-19: South Korea closes Seoul schools amid rise in cases     


Coronavirus in Africa: ‘Signs of hope’ as cases level off


COVID-19 outbreaks in children complicate school reopening plans


Philippines faces worst COVID-19 crisis in Southeast Asia


Africa’s U20 Women’s World Cup 2020 qualifiers postponed due to COVID-19

COVID-19 protective equipment adding to pollution crisishttps://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/covid-19-protective-equipment-adding-pollution-crisis-200816163255462.html

Australia Has Deadliest Day with 25 Covid-19 Deaths in Victoria


Coronavirus Australia: Victoria reports 303 new Covid-19 cases and four more deaths


EU Countries Increase COVID-19 Travel Measures

Russia to roll out coronavirus vaccine within two weeks


2 in 5 schools around the world lacked basic handwashing facilities prior to COVID-19 pandemic — UNICEF, WHO               


Zealand Back into Lockdown as New COVID-19 Cases Detected  


Hundreds dead’ because of Covid-19 misinformation      


Reopening schools too early could spread COVID-19 even faster – especially in the developing world


Spain Overtakes Britain for Most COVID-19 Cases in Europe


Coronavirus Vietnam: The mysterious resurgence of Covid-19     


‘Peak yet to come’: Africa hits one million coronavirus cases


Australian military steps in to enforce COVID-19 lockdown


WAEC releases timetable as schools resume

Over 1.5 million candidates to sit for WASSCE in Nigeria